About Directorate of Labour Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
The directorate of labour (like its administrative department i.e. labour department) is the custodian of the guaranteed rights of the workers like right to organize, right to collective bargaining, participation in the affairs of the respective organization, health & safety, minimum wages, compensation, etc.. For realization of its role, it enforces various labour laws. Through the implementation of the labour laws it ensures compliance of the international labour standards and thus contributes to achieving gsp, gsp+, gsp++, mfn, etc. Status by securing higher position in the grading system applied by the granting countries, regions and organizations. It also enforces international system of weights and measures in the province. Besides, it carries out awareness raising drive in the workers, employers and other stakeholders on labour issues, labour laws and contemporary issues.
Director Message
The Directorate of Labour is the custodian of the guaranteed rights of the workers like right to organize, right to collective bargaining, participation in the affairs of the respective organization, health & safety, minimum wages, compensation, etc.. For realization of its role, it enforces various labour laws. Through the implementation of the labour laws it ensures compliance of the International Labour Standards and thus contributes to achieving GSP, GSP+, GSP++, MFN, etc. status by securing higher position in the grading system applied by the granting countries, regions and organizations. Besides, it carries out awareness raising drive in the workers, employers and other stakeholders on labour issues, labour laws and contemporary issues.